24 things: a wish list

9:37 AM

I’ve seen a lot of people on blogs take the time to put together a list of things that YOU should do before you turn a certain age or a just a generic bucket list of places to visit or foods to try.

In lieu of this and my recent 24th birthday, I came up with a list of 24 things I want to do before I turn 25, a wish list if you will. 25 is such a big birthday and I think making these tiny accomplishments will make it even more special. Some of these things are things I’ve already done and want to do again, things I’ve always wanted to do, things I’ve been too scared to do, and things that I just pulled out of my plain ole’ bucket list. So here we are, my wish list:

Run a half marathon (I ran the Dallas Half Marathon on December 13th, 2015)
Visit New York City
Learn photoshop
Go camping
Swim with a sea creature (Swam with a Manatee and a Sea Lion in Cozumel)
Write a short story
Visit a foreign country (Visited Mexico)
Shoot a gun  #secondamdendment
Get my portrait made
Go to the state fair  I did this just before turning 24. It was my very first fair, see here.
Play paintball
Take a dance class – as a couple
Go on a cruise (#mexicandecemeber)
See the Alamo
Take a fitness class
Revamp my blog – invest the time
Pay off all my credit card bills
Try Mediterranean food (we went to Baboush in Dallas)
Get a tattoo
Make 3 new Year’s Resolutions – Keep them!
Ride in a hot air balloon
Complete an entire daily journal      
Get a massage I did this for my birthday and it was so wonderful!! So relaxing! 
Watch this list of 25 Classic Films (I either haven't seen or don't remember that well)

1.       Gone with the Wind
2.       Casablanca
3.       The Godfather
4.       Star Wars
5.       One Flew Over the Cuckcoo’s Nest
6.       Jaws
7.       Young Frankenstein
8.       Rocky
9.       The Graduate
10.   Chinatown
11.   Breakfast at Tiffany’s
12.   Schindler’s List
13.   Pulp Fiction
14.   Fight Club
15.   The Terminal
16.   Seven
17.   Silence of the Lambs
18.   The Wizard of Oz
19.   The Shawshank Redemption
20.   Life of Pi
21.   Saving Private Ryan
22.   The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
23.   E.T.
24.   While You Were Sleeping
25.   Sleepless in Seattle

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All images and content are Copyright of Tiffany Burns

All images and content are Copyright of Tiffany Burns