the little things

11:17 AM

I swear the last couple of weeks have been some of the happiest days of my life. No specific thing has occurred to make me feel this way, but in the last few weeks I’ve found my center. I’ve been making life changes like reading more, writing more, working out daily, and just generally enjoying the everyday. A long time ago, I wrote a post about how much I hate the work week. Well I’m happy to say that the pain of Mondays and work has finally subsided. I feel genuinely happy each and every day that I wake up and come to work and when I go home and go to sleep. I’m not sure why I feel so good, but I thought I’d share some of my simple pleasures:

Two Restaurants in Dallas: PS. 214 & So & So’s

Two Netflix Shows: A Good Marriage & The Fall

Some Books: Redwall, Charlotte’s Web, Mossflower 

Writing Tip: Write Something Imaginative & Something Real – then combine them both

Sleeping in on Saturday

Lifting Weights instead of Running

Clean Bandit Radio on Pandora
 Jeans & Top: H&M // Sweater Vest: Windsor // Booties: Target

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All images and content are Copyright of Tiffany Burns

All images and content are Copyright of Tiffany Burns