Salem, Massachusetts

8:12 PM

October of last year was a very difficult time in my life, but I’ve told you that before; however, there were some good parts of last year too that I never really got to share with you. One of those times was a vacation. A very specific part of a vacation that entailed a road trip to Salem, Massachusetts.  

I loved Salem. Everything about it was exactly what I had dreamed. It was a beautiful place, with a lot for tourists, but it spoke to my soul in its eerie and cloudy mood. I felt at home when I visited there and perhaps it was the looming doom that comforted me most. Salem was a true definition of fall and a somewhat foreshadowing of things to come. 

I found peace in the way the leaves fell, the way the rain never held back, and the way the shoreline brought in the wind. Not everything that’s beautiful is shiny or new. Bold or bright. There is beauty in the dark. Beauty in the rain. 

There was beauty in Salem.

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All images and content are Copyright of Tiffany Burns

All images and content are Copyright of Tiffany Burns