easter in oklahoma
11:45 AM
On Friday I packed my bags, picked up my pup, and headed up
to Oklahoma for the Easter weekend. It was a short few days, but just what I needed right before I move into my apartment ON FRIDAY!
I spent the night in with my parents and grandparents. We
talked and shared some stories; it’s been just over a month since I was home
last – so it was nice to just check in and see how everyone’s been doing since
we lost my uncle in early March. I also got some downtime with my dad who
headed to work the next day at 3am.
Saturday was me and mommy time. We took my nephew out for
pancakes, shopped till we dropped (try Sam’s, Marshalls, Ross, Pet Co. and this
gorgeous Yarn Store – Loops), and then met my aunt for a coffee date. It was
perfect, the weather was gorgeous, and spring was certainly in the air (p.s.
check out all those tulips!)

(Yarn & Tulips)
(Loops - Tulsa Yarn Store)
Later that night we had dinner with my grandparents – Pork
chops, mashed potatoes, corn, and gravy. YUM. Then the pup and I had some one
on one time with all the Easter treats I bought for him.
(The sweetest Pup around: Chuck w/ 2 Pig Ears)
Sunday was family time. Burgers and hot dogs and rain. It rains
every Easter in Oklahoma, without fail. But we stuck it out. I left early
(around 1) and made it back to Dallas just before the rain hit here. I said
goodbye to my puppy, goodbye to my family, and turned back to my life as usual.
I can't wait for Friday, but thanks for the great weekend fam.